Demos by PIRA
4C10 PVT Surfaces
4C10.10P.V.T. surface model for carbon dioxide.
4C10.10P.V.T. surface model for water.
4C10.30Wall chart of isothermals.
4C20 Phase Changes: Liquid-Solid
4C20.20Ice bomb: Iron sphere ruptured by freezing water.
4C20.40Freezing liquid Nitrogen.
4C20.45CO2 fire extinguisher: Expanding gas freezes into snow.
4C20.53Computer demo: Heat of fusion of tin.
4C30 Phase Changes: Liquid-Gas
4C30.15Triple Point demo: Water boils under vacuum making ice.
4C30.25Hot water geyser, runs 5-10 min.
4C31 Cooling by Evaporation
4C31.40Dippy bird: Large glass bird containing ether oscillates.
4C32 Dew Point and Humidity
4C32.11Humidity: Hygrometers to show.
4C33 Vapor Pressure
4C40 Sublimation
4C33.50Franklin's pulse glass: Two glass bulbs and tube containing ether.
4C45 Phase Changes: Solid Solid
4C50 Critical Point
4C50.40Triple Point: Cooled water in sealed cell exhibits all three phases.