Films: "Laser light", U of Utah, sound, 38 min.; "Introduction to Holography",sound, 17 min.; "Introduction to Lasers", sound, 17 min.

Films: "Introduction to Holography", "Introduction to Lasers", and "Laser Light". Film Title: Introduction to Holography (#8658 Univ.of Cal. Extension Media Center) Level: Upper elementary-Adult. Length: 17 minutes. Color and sound. Presents the history and basic principles of holography, in which laser beams are used to record seemingly three-dimensional images on photographic film. Shows various types of holograms, and explains and demonstrates the physical properties of waves that make these optical effects possible. Uses animation to show how a "white light" hologram is made without the use of a laser beam, and considers the value of holography as a scientific tool and an artistic medium. 1972 EBEC Film Title: Introduction to Lasers (#8659 Univ.of Cal. Extension Media Center) Level: Upper elementary-Adult. Length: 17 minutes. Color and sound. Explains the basic principles of laser physics and demonstrates the wide range of practical and scientific uses for lasers. Introduces Charles Townes, who won a Nobel Prize for his work with lasers; his collaborator, Arthur T. Schawlow; and Ali Javan, inventor of the helium neon laser. Aided by laboratory demonstrations and animated sequences, they describe the differences between ordinary and laser light, how light is absorbed and emitted by atoms, and coherence, a unique characteristic of laser light. 1972 EBEC Film Title: Laser Light (#LSC224 Univ.of Utah, Instructional Media Services) Level: Upper elementary-Adult. Length: 38 minutes. Color and sound. Describes many aspects of laser light in an interesting and provocative manner. Includes ideas about wave nature of light, the particle nature of light, incoherent light, coherent light, emission of light by atoms, how a laser produces coherent light, applications of lasers, areas being investigated in laser research, and formation and use of holograms. Ideas are introduced, briefly explained, and shown both in animation and application. Summarizes by perspective flashbacks. Request this film several weeks in advance!
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