AM and FM Demonstration(minimum 24 hr notice required).

AM and FM Demonstration(minimum 24 hr notice required). This setup allows one to modify an electronic signal with another. A signal generator feeds a 1 kHz signal into a piece of equipment called an AM/FM/Phase Lock Generator (KH Model 2400). AM or FM modulation options are chosen, and the AM or FM signal is shown on the scope. Amplitude Modulation (AM) occurs when a varying signal (say from a microphone or signal generator) is used to modulate the amplitude of a carrier wave. The frequency of the carrier wave is much higher than the modulating signal. The amplitude of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with the signal wave amplitude, while the frequency of the carrier wave remains unchanged. Frequency Modulation (FM) occurs when a varying signal is used to modulate the frequency of a carrier wave. The frequency of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with the signal wave frequency, while the amplitude of the carrier wave remains unchanged. For Setup People: Use Wavetek signal generator 'HI' output, 1 kHz. On the scope, use .5 volts/div., and .1ms time sweep, with external trigger. On the left half of the KH 2400, push the1k multiplier button, choose10 on the dial, and press the sinusoidal waveform button. In the middle of the KH 2400, press the EXT,AM IN button. On the right half of the KH 2400 choose 3 on the dial, and press the 'CONT' button, the 1 multiplier button, and the sinusoidal button. Then, to see AM, press the AM button. To see FM, take off Am and press the FM button. Note: See set-up sheet in file cabinet in 72 Le Conte Hall
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