Laser beam diffraction off object and being reassembled

1] Monochromatic Helium-Neon laser light is passed over the filament of a Halogen Lamp and the resulting diffraction pattern is displayed on a white projection screen (figure 1). No lens is used in this part. 2] A 1” f.l. lens is inserted into the diffracted beam from the filament and the diffraction patterns re-assemble into a projected image of the filament (figure 2).
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The video included was produced by James Lincoln of UCLA.

The 1" lens lives in Pimentel in 27-1 and in Le Conte at 15-1-1. Two light bulb filaments and a flexible spring are stored in an envelope in 27-2 in Pimentel. The coils have dramatically different properties so both are worth exploring. The spring can be used to demonstrate how the diffraction pattern changes as the size of the coil changes. It can be held in front of the laser beam and gently pulled longer. The filaments are mounted on cardboard which is easily taped to the metal slides in 33-2 in Le Conte and in 3-2 in Pimentel.