Demo used for 8A-spring/Catherine Bordel/2017

Provides the Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
A+12+5 Weighted wood block dragged horizontally by force sensor.2017-02-06
A+12+5 Weighted wood block dragged horizontally by force sensor.2017-02-07
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-09
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-16
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-02
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-03
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-07
A+14+0 Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.2017-02-08
C+25+20 Venturi meter: Manometer tubes on tapered wind tunnel tube.2017-04-13
C+25+20 Venturi meter: Manometer tubes on tapered wind tunnel tube.2017-04-14
B+25+0 Transverse wave model, hand-cranked.2017-04-07
B+25+0 Transverse wave model, hand-cranked.2017-04-06
B+10+2 Torsion pendulum with removable weights.2017-03-23
B+10+2 Torsion pendulum with removable weights.2017-04-03
B+10+2 Torsion pendulum with removable weights.2017-04-04
A+65+10 Torque wrench to demonstrate.2017-03-13
A+65+10 Torque wrench to demonstrate.2017-03-14
A+15+0 The Cavendish experiment: Model and actual apparatus to show.2017-02-28
A+15+0 The Cavendish experiment: Model and actual apparatus to show.2017-03-01
A+20+5 Tablecloth yanked out from under dishes.2017-01-31
A+20+5 Tablecloth yanked out from under dishes.2017-02-01
A+0+47 Swing water in a bucket.2017-02-16
B+25+20 Suspended slinky on threads for compression wave.2017-04-07
B+25+20 Suspended slinky on threads for compression wave.2017-04-04
B+25+20 Suspended slinky on threads for compression wave.2017-04-05
B+25+20 Suspended slinky on threads for compression wave.2017-04-06
B+10+1 Simple pendulum: Ball on a string.2017-03-23
B+10+1 Simple pendulum: Ball on a string.2017-03-24
B+25+10 Rubber rope stretched across front of room.2017-04-04
B+25+10 Rubber rope stretched across front of room.2017-04-06
A+25+15 Rotational Inertia Wands2017-03-15
A+30+15 Rotating chair with dumbbells or weighted bicycle wheel.2017-03-15
A+30+15 Rotating chair with dumbbells or weighted bicycle wheel.2017-03-16
B+50+10 Rope and strobe: Transverse standing waves, motor driven.2017-04-11
B+50+10 Rope and strobe: Transverse standing waves, motor driven.2017-04-12
A+14+15 Precision lever: Balance beam on stand plus weight set.2017-03-21
A+14+15 Precision lever: Balance beam on stand plus weight set.2017-03-22
A+35+25 Plastic pucks on air table.2017-03-09
A+35+25 Plastic pucks on air table.2017-01-30
A+35+25 Plastic pucks on air table.2017-01-31
C+35+0 Mechanical equivalent of heat: Aluminum cylinder, crank, rope with 5 kg weight and large LED display.2017-04-24
C+35+0 Mechanical equivalent of heat: Aluminum cylinder, crank, rope with 5 kg weight and large LED display.2017-04-25
B+10+0 Mass on a spring.2017-03-22
B+10+0 Mass on a spring.2017-03-23
B+10+0 Mass on a spring.2017-03-24
A+25+10 Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track.2017-03-13
A+0+45 Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track.2017-02-13
A+25+10 Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track.2017-03-14
A+0+45 Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track.2017-02-16
B+25+5 Longitudinal wave model, hand-cranked.2017-04-07
B+25+5 Longitudinal wave model, hand-cranked.2017-04-06
C+65+2 Light the Match.2017-04-17
C+65+2 Light the Match.2017-04-18
D+15+24 Levitator: Aluminum dish floats four inches off platform.2017-04-27
B+35+0 Large wood model of a double slit with hinged waves.2017-04-10
B+10+5 Large torsion pendulum with different diameter rods.2017-04-04
D+15+20 Jumping rings: High current AC coil causes rings to jump.2017-04-28
A+15+10 Java Applet Orbiting Bodies2017-03-03
A+60+30 Irregular shapes to determine center of mass using plumb bob.2017-03-06
A+60+30 Irregular shapes to determine center of mass using plumb bob.2017-03-07
B+35+15 Interference in a ripple tank uses arc lamp or incandescent light.2017-04-10
A+35+18 Inelastic collisions: Another ballistic pendulum.2017-03-08
A+35+18 Inelastic collisions: Another ballistic pendulum.2017-03-09
A+35+18 Inelastic collisions: Another ballistic pendulum.2017-03-07
C+70+6 Heated horizontal nichrome wire stretches, weight sags.2017-04-24
C+70+6 Heated horizontal nichrome wire stretches, weight sags.2017-04-25
C+20+0 Heat water in "O" shaped tube adding a dye.2017-04-17
C+20+0 Heat water in "O" shaped tube adding a dye.2017-04-18
C+70+0 Galileo's air thermometer forces liquid down when heated.2017-04-25
C+80+2 Freezing liquid Nitrogen.2017-04-20
A+60+10 Forces on crane boom measured with transducer.2017-03-20
A+60+10 Forces on crane boom measured with transducer.2017-03-21
A+35+28 Executive size pool table2017-03-10
A+35+28 Executive size pool table2017-03-14
A+5+10 Equal path lengths ball race.2017-02-21
A+5+10 Equal path lengths ball race.2017-02-22
A+5+10 Equal path lengths ball race.2017-02-27
A+5+10 Equal path lengths ball race.2017-02-28
C+22+0 Engine models: Steam, 4-cycle Otto.2017-04-28
A+50+0 Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.2017-01-24
A+50+0 Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.2017-01-25
A+50+0 Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.2017-01-26
A+50+0 Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.2017-01-27
A+50+0 Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.2017-02-16
C+15+0 Copper/wood cylinder wrapped with paper over bunsen burner.2017-04-17
C+15+0 Copper/wood cylinder wrapped with paper over bunsen burner.2017-04-18
C+45+0 Computer demo: Heat of fusion of tin.2017-04-21
A+20+0 Card snapped from under a weight by a leaf spring.2017-01-30
B+25+15 Brass spring on white plastic sheet.2017-04-07
B+25+15 Brass spring on white plastic sheet.2017-04-11
A+5+15 Brachistochrone: Three balls falling along different trajectories.2017-02-22
A+5+15 Brachistochrone: Three balls falling along different trajectories.2017-02-23
A+5+20 Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.2017-02-16
A+5+20 Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.2017-02-21
A+5+20 Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.2017-02-22
A+5+20 Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.2017-02-23
A+5+20 Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.2017-02-24
A+12+0 Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.2017-02-01
A+12+0 Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.2017-02-02
A+12+0 Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.2017-02-03
A+12+0 Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.2017-02-06
A+12+0 Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.2017-02-07
A+14+1 Block pulled horizontally by a spring.2017-02-09
A+14+1 Block pulled horizontally by a spring.2017-02-15
A+14+1 Block pulled horizontally by a spring.2017-02-17
C+25+5 Bernoulli's principle: Ball suspended in air stream.2017-02-13
A+0+10 Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly.2017-02-02
A+0+10 Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly.2017-02-03
A+0+10 Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly.2017-02-06
A+0+10 Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly.2017-02-07
C+30+25 Archimedes' principle: Aluminum and brass cylinders.2017-04-12
C+30+25 Archimedes' principle: Aluminum and brass cylinders.2017-04-13
C+22+20 Applet: Otto Engine2017-04-27
C+22+20 Applet: Otto Engine2017-04-25
C+22+20 Applet: Otto Engine2017-04-26
Applet: Gas Law Program2017-04-18
Applet: Gas Law Program2017-04-19
Applet: Gas Law Program2017-04-20
C+22+25 Applet: Carnot Circle2017-04-26
C+22+25 Applet: Carnot Circle2017-04-27
C+22+25 Applet: Carnot Circle2017-04-25
A+0+20 Acceleration of a steel ball down an inclined plane with metronome.2017-01-20
A+0+20 Acceleration of a steel ball down an inclined plane with metronome.2017-01-19
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-08
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-09
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-10
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-13
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-16
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-01
A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.2017-02-02
Provides the Special Request Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
-Would you have a spring that we can compress to launch a ball upward? or horizontally?2017-02-21
-The following applet could also be used in case the other one doesn't work well:
-If possible I'd like the home-made horizontal mass-spring system, using glider on track.2017-03-24
-I'd like unequal masses for the Atwood machine.2017-02-07
-I'd like the updated version of the equal-path-length demo so we can measure the speed at the bottom.2017-02-28
-I'd like the spring and ball again for a vertical launch.2017-02-23
-I'd like a vertical spring + ball2017-02-24
-I'd like 2 unequal masses for the Atwood machine.2017-02-06
-I would also like to re-try the helicopter demo. Hopefully my bluetooth will be working!2017-04-28
-Can I also get a tilted plank as an incline to let some objects slide down?2017-01-31
-+ brain-interfaced helicopter2017-04-27