For our Instructors
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Lecture Demonstration Ordering Info
The UC Berkeley physics lecture demonstrations are available mainly to professors (and teaching assistants) in the physics department. Demos are generally not available to the outside public, except in special circumstances.
Demonstrations can be ordered in the following ways:
- This Website
This is the preferred method for ordering demos. If you are an instructor for a lower division course, you will be contacted with info on how to log in and order demos. - e-mail
- Demo requests can be sent via e-mail to The request should include:
- Your last name.
- List of demonstrations (with demo catalog number).
- Time, day and date that the demonstrations are needed.
- Course and room numbers.
- Your e-mail address.
- Your last name.
- Demo requests can be sent via e-mail to The request should include:
- By phone
- Orders can be called in to the demo room at 642-3267. (There is an answering machine.) If you are ordering many demonstrations, it would be better to stop by 72 Physics North or e-mail your request.
- Orders can be called in to the demo room at 642-3267. (There is an answering machine.) If you are ordering many demonstrations, it would be better to stop by 72 Physics North or e-mail your request.
Further Demo questions can be directed to Roberto Barrueto or Jamie Little at (510) 642-3267. You can also send e-mail messages to demos@physics.berkeley.edureal