Welcome to the UC Berkeley Physics Demonstrations page. Here you'll find information about our extensive catalog of demos. If you are a physics professor at Cal, you can start browsing our collection by clicking the menus on the left hand side. Our collection has historically been organized by our own organizational structure. We are now able to cross index this scheme alongside the Physics Instructional Resource Association's (
PIRA) Demo Classification System (DCS). It helps knowing this identification number if you want to know more about the demo and its presentation at other institutions.
Physics Lecture Demonstrations Room
72 Physics North, Physics Department
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720-7300
For information, call: Roberto or Jamie (510) 642-3267
Hours: M-F 7:00am-4:30pm, and by appointment.
Send mail to:demosATphysics.berkeley.edu replace AT with @
click here to view the old website