Film: "Unusual properties of liquid helium", sound, 16 min.

Film: "The Unusual Properties of Liquid Helium". Film Title: "The Unusual Properties of Liquid Helium". Level: Upper elementary-Adult. Length: 16 minutes. Color, with sound. 1977. Description: This UCLA film discusses the interesting properties of liquid helium cooled below the lambda point of 2.17deg K where both regular and 'super' fluid exist together. The super-fluid is a quantum fluid with zero viscosity and zero entropy. It will flow through a syphon packed with fine dense powder without resistance. It will flow toward areas of higher temperature, and uphill. In the film, a set-up for experimenting with liquid helium is shown. Air is poured into liquid helium and frozen. A liquid helium fountain is the final extravaganza. MOLECULAR MODELS AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE.
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