Conduction (C+15)
C+15+0 Copper/wood cylinder wrapped with paper over bunsen burner.
C+15+1 Boiling water in paper cup; cup does not burn.
C+15+2 Copper gauze over flame; gas burns only above gauze.
C+15+03 Set of metal rods: Heat-sensitive paint changes color.
C+15+4 Computer demo: Conductivity (see C+15+3), runs 5 min.
C+15+1 Boiling water in paper cup; cup does not burn.
C+15+2 Copper gauze over flame; gas burns only above gauze.
C+15+03 Set of metal rods: Heat-sensitive paint changes color.
C+15+4 Computer demo: Conductivity (see C+15+3), runs 5 min.