Demos by PIRA
1D10 Displacement in Two Dimensions
1D10.20Cycloid disk draws path on chalkboard.
1D15 Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
1D15.20Equal path lengths ball race.
1D15.55Brachistochrone: Three balls falling along different trajectories.
1D40 Motion of the Center of Mass
1D50 Central Forces
1D50.10A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.
1D50.25Conical pendulum: Similar to A+0+35 with standard weights.
1D50.40Swing water in a bucket.
1D50.60Banked turns: slot car around an oval track
1D50.70Rotating loop of chain rolls across bench.
1D52 Deformation by Central Forces
1D52.10Flattening of the earth: Rotating brass hoops.
1D52.35Mercury and colored water in a rotating glass vessel.
1D52.40Candles rotating about an axis.
1D55 Centrifugal Escape
1D60 Projectile Motion
1D60.10Ballistics car: Ball ejected from rolling car drops back in.
1D60.20Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.
1D60.30The Hunter
1D60.65Water projector: Adjustable angle water jet in front of grid.