Demos by PIRA
1A Measurement
1A50 Math Topics
1A60 Scaling
1C Motion In One Dimension
1C10 Velocity
1C10.21Electric winch tows car at constant speed.
1C10.27Airtrack: Glider passes "start" and "stop" gates on digital timer.
1C20 Uniform Acceleration
1C20.10"Coin and Feather" fall in an evacuated rotatable tube.
1C20.30Inclined airtrack with gliders and timing gates.
1C20.31Acceleration of a steel ball down an inclined plane with metronome.
1C30 Measuring G
1C30.10Timed free fall: Ball drops 2 meters through electronic timing gate.
1D Motion In Two Dimensions
1D10 Displacement in Two Dimensions
1D10.20Cycloid disk draws path on chalkboard.
1D15 Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
1D15.20Equal path lengths ball race.
1D15.55Brachistochrone: Three balls falling along different trajectories.
1D40 Motion of the Center of Mass
1D50 Central Forces
1D50.10A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve.
1D50.25Conical pendulum: Similar to A+0+35 with standard weights.
1D50.40Swing water in a bucket.
1D50.60Banked turns: slot car around an oval track
1D50.70Rotating loop of chain rolls across bench.
1D52 Deformation by Central Forces
1D52.10Flattening of the earth: Rotating brass hoops.
1D52.35Mercury and colored water in a rotating glass vessel.
1D52.40Candles rotating about an axis.
1D55 Centrifugal Escape
1D60 Projectile Motion
1D60.10Ballistics car: Ball ejected from rolling car drops back in.
1D60.20Dropped and shot balls hit bench simultaneously.
1D60.30The Hunter
1D60.65Water projector: Adjustable angle water jet in front of grid.
1E Relative Motion
1E10 Moving Reference Frames
1E20 Rotating Reference Frames
1E30 Coriolis Effect
1F Newton's First Law
1F10 Measuring Inertia
1F20 Inertia of Rest
1F20.10Breaking thread above and below weight.
1F20.25Bed of nails
1F20.30Tablecloth yanked out from under dishes.
1F20.34Card snapped from under a weight by a leaf spring.
1F30 Inertia of Motion
1G Newton's Second Law
1G10 Force, Mass, and Acceleration
1G10.10A falling weight accelerates a car horizontally.
1G10.40Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly.
1G20 Accelerated Reference Frames
1G20.60Film loop: "Inertial forces:Translational acceleration", 2:05 min.
1G20.76Cork float accelerometer: Cork and water in sealed flask.
1G30 Complex Systems
1H Newton's Third Law
1H10 Action and Reaction
1H10.10Two people in rolling chairs pushing and pulling
1H11 Recoil
1J Statics Of Rigid Bodies
1J10 Finding Center of Gravity
1J10.09Rotation about the center of mass: Object to throw.
1J10.12Irregular shapes to determine center of mass using plumb bob.
1J10.26Center of mass of a baseball bat
1J11 Exceeding Center of Gravity
1J20 Stable, Unstable and Neutral Equilibrium
1J30 Resolution of Forces
1J30.10Car hangs balanced by forces in mid-air over removable inclined plane.
1J30.51Force table: Forces on a car on an adjustable inclined plane.
1J30.53Force table: Forces on a car on a horizontal table.
1J40 Static Torque
1J40.15Torque wrench to demonstrate.
1J40.20A meterstick lever on a free-standing fulcrum with weights.
1J40.25Precision lever: Balance beam on stand plus weight set.
1J40.70Forces on crane boom measured with transducer.
1J40.75Anatomical models: Skull, Arm, Leg
1K Applications Of Newton's Laws
1K10 Dynamic Torque
1K10.30Static equilibrium for a rope on a spool. Same as A+55+5.
1K10.30Rolling spool: String on spool is pulled at various angles.
1K10.50Disk (weighted off-center) rolls up inclined plane.
1K20 Friction
1K20.15Weighted wood block dragged horizontally by force sensor.
1K20.35Blocks, with various surfaces slide on an inclined plane.
1K30 Pressure
1L Gravity
1L10 Universal Gravitational Constant
1L10.10Film loop: "The Cavendish experiment", 4:25 min.
1L10.30The Cavendish experiment: Model and actual apparatus to show.
1L20 Orbits
1M Work And Energy
1M10 Work
1M20 Simple Machines
1M20.11Pulley sets.
1M20.20Block and tackle: Bosun's chair.
1M30 Non-Conservative Forces
1M40 Conservation of Energy
1M40.95The Trebuchet
1M40.10Bowling ball pendulum swings back to nose.
1M40.20Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track.
1M40.40.22 rifle fires vertically, bullet lifts small wood cylinder.
1M40.40Ballistic pendulum: Suspended .22 rifle fires into suspended block.
1M40.41Inelastic collisions: Another ballistic pendulum.
1M40.50Maxwell's wheel: Flywheel with axle, supported on strings or stand.
1M50 Mechanical Power
1N Linear Momentum And Collisions
1N10 Impulse and Thrust
1N10.55Waveguide pieces to show.
1N20 Conservation of Linear Momentum
1N20.25Airtrack: Long track with two gliders coupled by a spring hoop.
1N20.30Balls of equal and unequal mass on strings, separated by a leaf spring.
1N21 Mass and Momentum Transfer
1N22 Rockets
1N22.20Rocket is filled with water and compressed air and launched vertically.
1N22.30Carbon dioxide propelled rocket flies across room on wire.
1N22.33Carbon dioxide propelled rotational device.
1N30 Collisions in One Dimension
1N30.10Elastic collisions: Five hanging balls and two unequal hanging balls.
1N30.15Elastic collisions: Seven steel balls roll on a wooden track.
1N30.30Three meter airtrack with gliders that rebound elastically, or stick.
1N40 Collisions in Two Dimensions
1N40.10Executive size pool table
1N40.21Plastic pucks on air table.
1Q Rotational Dynamics
1Q10 Moment of Inertia
1Q10.20Large torsion pendulum with different diameter rods.
1Q10.40Two disks, one weighted in center and other on rim, roll down ramp.
1Q20 Rotational Energy
1Q30 Transfer of Angular Momentum
1Q30.25Rotational inertia device: Sliding weights on rotating rod.
1Q40 Conservation of Angular Momentum
1Q40.10Rotating chair with dumbbells or weighted bicycle wheel.
1Q40.11Minor's apparatus: Movable discs rotated by falling weight.
1Q40.23Mechanical governor device.
1Q40.40Train on circular track moves one way and track moves the other.
1Q50 Gyros
1Q50.40Large gyroscope in a suitcase.
1Q50.54Sire's Polytrope.
1Q50.90Maxwell's top, has adjustable center of gravity.
1Q60 Rotational Stability
1Q60.15Large conical aluminum top.
1Q60.50Chain lariat with hand drill or electric rotator.
1R Properties Of Matter
1R10 Hooke's Law
1R10.10Weight on a vertical spring with markers on stand.
1R10.10Standard pan balance with assorted weights.
1R20 Tensile and Compressive Stress
1R20.15Young's modulus of elasticity: Weight stretches wire.
1R20.70Prince Rupert's Drops.
1R30 Shear Stress
1R30.20Shear: Foam block.
1R40 Coefficient of Restitution
1R40.10Elasticity: Balls bouncing on steel or glass cylinder.
1R50 Crystal Structure
1R50.20Wave surfaces of crystals.
1R50.30Assorted crystals to show.