Demountable transformer with many secondary coils from 10:1 to 1:46.

Demountable transformer with many secondary coils from 10:1 to 1:46. This is a demonstration transformer apparatus. The iron yoke can be taken off, and the coils can be removed and exchanged from the laminated iron u-shaped core. There are coils with various different numbers of turns (46 turns with multiple taps,250,500,1000,10000, and 23000). To demonstrate voltage step-down, a 250 turn coil could be used for the primary and the 46 turn coil for the secondary. The step-down voltage can be shown with a projection voltmeter. (Some people like ringing a low voltage electric bell or buzzer). To demonstrate voltage step-up, 250 turns for the primary and 23,000 turns for the secondary can be used to make a Jacob's Ladder. 'Rabbit Ears' must be inserted in the secondary coil for the fiery arc to rise. (See D+75+3).
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