Demos by PIRA
2C10 Flow Rate
2C10.10Water in vertical standpipe with holes at different heights.
2C20 Forces in Moving Fluids
2C20.10Venturi meter: Manometer tubes on tapered wind tunnel tube.
2C20.15Glass standpipes with a constriction. Similar to C+25+10.
2C20.20Glass aspirator: Compressed air draws colored water up glass tube.
2C20.30Bernoulli's principle: Ball suspended in air stream.
2C20.35Compressed air through funnel sucks in ball.
2C20.53Two roof models, hinged, placed in wind stream.
2C20.80Flettner rotorcar blown with fan.
2C30 Viscosity
2C30.10Viscosity of air: One rotating disk drives another.
2C40 Turbulent and Streamline Flow
2C40.63Video camera shows fluid flow around various objects.
2C50 Vorticies
2C50.30A water vortex in two soda bottles joined vertically.